Thursday, October 13, 2011

another real rainy day in captain cook

ain't so bad.  the rain falls and the temp stays nice and warm, it has been raining since around 11 and i am still walking around in my tank top.. i am not turning as bronze as i would like however.. hehe.
i just indulged in my newly discovered guilty pleasure... a coconut milk iced vanilla latte, and the ice cubes are 100% kona coffee and the coconut milk stays separate from the coffee, and the coffee sits on the bottom and every time i take a sip of its not-too-sweet, strong-coffee-tasting, coconut-creamy-milky-goodness, a little part of my heart sings as all of my taste buds daaaance!
this morning i woke up at 530 and went for a run- about five miles...nothing to write home about i know... especially since i just signed up for a marathon! on the 11th of december.. come to honolulu and support it... needless to say, despite the not-so-very-impressive mileage of this morning's endeavor, i was inspired to enter... get myself in shape, occupy myself, have reasons to get out and explore while it is still dark (and yet oh so warm) in the morning... following the moon west as it sets over the pacific ocean.  heidi's goal is to do this one really beautiful loop that is about 20 miles before the marathon... this means i will need to get back into my yoga practice too because ouch! my quads hurt! either way.. cultivating a bit of yang into my life and crossing another thing off of my not-yet-established bucket list ain't so bad.
i dropped heidi off today to go to work, and got to see even more of the island.  the drive was epic, and i felt really content to just drive and see and stop along the way and listen to music and be with myself.
my list for this coming week involves, beach time, ceremony time, coffee shop time, searching for someone to surf with, getting on my bike, paddling out into the middle of kealakekua bay and maybe swimming the mile and a half across it, running, waking up before the sun, waiting for my kamana book to arrive, yoga, reading harry potter, continuing to make smoothies with the avocados and guavas i pick from the driveway, looking after our newly planted seedlings!... yay.

aloha (literal meaning: in the presence of the breath of life !!!)  

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