how can i be like the mountain?
one of the only things in this world i have gotten down on my knees and bowed to
how can i be like the lake that just
and sparkles when
it rains and
lets it all flow in then flow out
how can i be like the wind that sets a chill
down my bones as it
carresses my cheeks then
is off on its merry way again?
how can i be like the yellow on this
hillside-the autumnal fading
of the skunk cabbage in the high country-
only to die, and grow again
fed by stark and shadowy
how can i be like the thunder
sending its dance through the valley
always following the light-
how can i be like the summer time-
green, lush, moist with the earthy kiss
always leaving
always coming back
how can i welcome the chills all over my body
the pit at the center of my stomach
the looming storm
how can i welcome winter back
year after year
and always expect summer
and welcome back love
and moist dirt earthy kisses
how can i sit in the rain
and know when it is time to stop
sitting in the rain?
how do i know when i have sat in the rain long enough?
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